At this years Bergen Anthropology Day (BAD) hosted by department of Social Anthropology and CMI to present some of the current research being done by Bergen-based anthropologists, Will Dawley and Fartein Hauan Nilsen took part and shared some of the insights form their research on Cryonics and AI. Dawley gave a short presentation…Continue reading Cryonics and AI at Bergen Anthropology Day
Category: AI
Workshop on Death and Kinship in the Age of Technoscience
This October the project gathered ten scholars in Bergen for a workshop on death and kinship in the age of technoscience. The three-day workshop was filled with good conversations and discussions, acadmic and non-adaemic over conference tables, dinner tables, and in the sauna surrounded by serene views at Solstand hotel. Technological innovation in human-computer…Continue reading Workshop on Death and Kinship in the Age of Technoscience
Apokalypsen – fra religiøs tradisjon og science fiction til sopp og kunstig intelligens
Mennesker har alltid vært nysgjerrig på tanken om verdensundergang, sier Studentsamfunnet i Bergen når inviterte til samtalemøte med biolog og postdoktor ved UiO Dabao Sun Lü og stipendiat ved Teknolovitenskaplig udødlighets-prosjeket Fartein Hauan Nilsen en kald Halloween-morgene i Bergen. Under bakteppe av vår tid som preget klimaendringer, teknologisk utvikling, og en stadig mer kompleks…Continue reading Apokalypsen – fra religiøs tradisjon og science fiction til sopp og kunstig intelligens
Gullfeberen ved verdas ende
Somme har uttrykt bekymringar for kva konsekvensane av kunstig intelligens kan vere – at me er i ferd med å sleppe laus språkmaskinar som potensielt kan forvandle, og til og med utslette, sivilisasjonen slik me kjenner den. Likevel er det eit kontrastfylt landskap som utspelar seg på bakken i San Francisco – sjølve hjarte av…Continue reading Gullfeberen ved verdas ende
Bringing back and passing on: two ways of memorialization with AI
Recently I got to visit one of OpenAI’s offices in San Francisco. While I was asked not do disclose the exact location of where it is, I will share that the City never ceases to amaze me with how instantaneous you can go from a rough and gritty street to a polished corporate office environment.…Continue reading Bringing back and passing on: two ways of memorialization with AI
The Machine that Loved Me: Some social implications of AI companions and virtual humans*
*This paper was first presented by Fartein Nilsen on 7/6/23 during the second European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA) Biennial Conference “Psychology and Anthropology in a Changing World” as part of the panel «Digital Emotions.» The conference was hosted by the University of Oslo and took place 7-9 June 2023 in Oslo and online. …Continue reading The Machine that Loved Me: Some social implications of AI companions and virtual humans*
Min briljante venn – Papegøye eller ny kompis?
Av Annelin Eriksen Først publisert i Klassekampen 12.06.2023 Snapchat laserte nettopp tjenesten MyAI. Den skaffer ikke venner. Den er en venn. For første gang i menneskets historie er det noen andre som snakker til oss, med vårt språk. Ikke en gud eller en ånd eller en hallusinasjon. Maskinene snakker. Det er vanlig å peke på…Continue reading Min briljante venn – Papegøye eller ny kompis?
The Siren Call of AI
«Please, I’m hurt, can you help me?» The plea comes not from a human, but a synthetic female voice resonating from the MacBook in front of me. On the screen, a melancholic emoji peers back at me, amplifying the urgency in the electronic voice. My gaze travels downward, landing on a silver-painted mannequin torso. It’s…Continue reading The Siren Call of AI
Glee and anticipation in the Valley
Set against the backdrop of a radiant California sun, the Googleplex in Mountain View hums with an almost tangible sense of anticipation. Young Google employees punctuate the space between the edifice of reflective glass buildings, their animated conversations filling the courtyard during lunch break. My host for the day, a seasoned Google veteran, looks at…Continue reading Glee and anticipation in the Valley