This October the project gathered ten scholars in Bergen for a workshop on death and kinship in the age of technoscience. The three-day workshop was filled with good conversations and discussions, acadmic and non-adaemic over conference tables, dinner tables, and in the sauna surrounded by serene views at Solstand hotel. Technological innovation in human-computer…Continue reading Workshop on Death and Kinship in the Age of Technoscience
Category: Virtual humans
The Machine that Loved Me: Some social implications of AI companions and virtual humans*
*This paper was first presented by Fartein Nilsen on 7/6/23 during the second European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA) Biennial Conference “Psychology and Anthropology in a Changing World” as part of the panel «Digital Emotions.» The conference was hosted by the University of Oslo and took place 7-9 June 2023 in Oslo and online. …Continue reading The Machine that Loved Me: Some social implications of AI companions and virtual humans*
Farvel til menneske?
Det har vore ein del snakk om kunstig intelligens i norske media i det siste. På NRK Dagsnytt 7. desember og i Khrono både 8. og 9. desember 2022 kunne ein høyre og lese om den nye kunstige intelligensen ChatGPT som OpenAI nyleg opna for testing av publikum. I desse sakene kom det fram at…Continue reading Farvel til menneske?